2017/11/28 Tuesday

On the Wall RPG!

Filed under: News — Staff @ 22:25:26

Superheroes meet teen dystopia in On the Wall, a Fate World of Adventure by Carrie Harris based on her graphic novel of the same name.

All the dry-hand-washing supervillains in the world aren't half as scary as your average high school. The realities of being a modern day teen—drug addiction, cyberbullying, abusive relationships, absentee parents, the constant pressure to succeed—are terrifying. Add in a world full of normal, unpowered folks who are scared witless by all the superpowered mutants, and it's a pretty scary place to grow up. But that's just what you've got to do. Will you play it safe, or will you get off the wall and make a stand?

Check out and DL the RPG here: